About Me
I’m a Nutritional Therapist based in Cardiff with a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy and over 15 years of experience in supporting clients to achieve their health goals. I have a particular interest in female health, stress, energy and mental health. I see clients from my consultation space in Canton as well as via Zoom.
When not with my 121 clients I work with organisations to support staff mental health, energy levels, focus, resilience and peri-menopause experience, through workshops, tasting tables, drop in clinics and online programmes. I'm also a regular contributor to local news, radio and newspapers.

I'm here to support busy clients on the journey to being the best version of themselves with realistic step by step changes.
My Story
I’ve always been fit and healthy but a few years ago when my daughter was around one and my son had just started school I found myself overstretched. I was running a business and doing freelance work for an old employer as well as spending two days a week with my daughter and doing all the school runs. I’d also picked up most of the shopping, cooking and day to day running of the house because I was at home more.
It felt as if I never stopped and was always doing more than one thing at a time. The mental load was exhausting and I always felt like I was dropping the ball, although which ball really depended on the day. Life is busy so I just got on with it – I didn’t admit that I was struggling and I didn’t ask for help. I was tired, I was irritable and it didn’t matter how much sleep I’d had, I still felt tired.
Finding the headspace to think about things and acknowledge that this wasn’t working took a long time, but it was the first step towards feeling fitter and healthier in my 40s than I ever have. I realised that change starts with being kind to yourself and taking time out, even if the to do list isn’t all ticked off (in reality it never is). I also realised that lasting sustainable change happens slowly, you build on it over time and you form new habits and learn different ways of doing things. I’m not claiming that my work life balance is now perfect – it’s most definitely a work in progress, but I’m aware of what I need to function well on a daily basis, and I know when I need to take a step back.
My mission now is to support my clients to make this shift with simple dietary changes that improve energy, mood, stress resilience, hormone balance and day to day wellbeing.
Qualifications & Regulation
• BA Hons Psychology from University of Wales Swansea
• Diploma in Nutritional Therapy from The College of Naturopathic Medicine
• Member of British Association for Applied Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy
• Registered with The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council